Upcoming update

Hello and thanks for reading this!

There has been quite some time since the last update of Colibri and I’ve felt that I should put out a quick note on how things are progressing chugging along.

Currently I’ve got my hands full with the exam period over at the university I’m attending (Computer Science for those wondering) because of which little progress has been made since the previous release – most notably a few bugs have been fixed and as I’m using the preview build on a daily basis for extended periods of time it hopefully means that the next update will be more bulletproof.

The fixes, feature requests you have all sent me and the additions I’ve promised are all still part of the roadmap and in fact, the list has been growing longer ever since as I stumble upon things that need improvement or just realize that some other functionality would be beneficial for Colibri to have. Keeping it bloat free is still top-priority and one of the main reasons why new things are added at a slow pace.

It has been asked before – and lately even by folks from the music biz – whether I’m planning to extend Colibri’s compatibility downwards so that people using earlier versions of macOS / OS X would be able to use Colibri. Then answer is yes, I’m game and am going to investigate what parts of Colibri need to be rewritten to achieve this.

I’ve since gotten hold of an AirPlay test device, so all those who are waiting for that to happen: it’s still on the roadmap.

It comes up quite often lately so I’ll say this again here: Colibri will remain DRM-free and I’m never adding limitations / in-app purchases or the likes to it, ever. The very same applies to the new trend of selling apps via subscription models – that is one feature that’s kept off of the roadmap.

The “Buy it once – free updates for a lifetime” tagline is here to stay, ladies and djentlemen.

Happy Listening!