Sleep Warden is out now

The tool I’ve made a few months ago to help with Colibri’s system sleep preventing issues has been polished and is now ready for public use.

Sleep Warden is a tiny menu bar app that discreetly informs you whether your Mac is allowed to sleep or something is preventing it from doing so. Click on it to instantly see a list of sleep preventing apps and processes – and to avoid false positives, you can also add trusted apps/processes to the whitelist.

Sleep Warden is available from the Mac AppStore – with an introductory sale going until the 18th of June, 2021.

As for Colibri, I’m thankful for all the reactions, suggestions, feedback and bug reports I’ve been constantly getting since the 2.0.1 update – and rest assured, the next version is already in the works. Thanks for checking in!