March and April-half time report

Hi there! Thanks for checking in and for your continued support!

Colibri has now entered a ‘feature freeze’ state of sorts, meaning that from today onwards I’m making sure to the best of my capabilities that the update delivers on all promises made in the previous posts.

Since the last post, I’ve been doing a considerable amount of work on the way Colibri works alongside and in coordination with CoreAudio to handle devices and am happy to report that the Default output with per-device profiles seem to be working rather nicely, here is a sneak peek of the new Output section in Preferences in action: the Default output is set in Colibri and when I change the default output in macOS, Colibri instantly loads the saved options for said device and updates the interface – it does this by ‘subscribing’ to relevant CoreAudio change events (and playback is resumed from the same spot during playback). As you can see, even though the output is reported as being “1: Default”, Colibri knows which is the actual audio output that is being used:

Colibri instantly reacts to the default system audio output changes

I did plan on releasing Colibri 2.0 with native Apple Silicon support for the M1 Macs – but sadly, three libraries that Colibri uses are not compatible with Apple’s ARM chip. I did manage to acquire the source code and build a compatible version of two of said libraries – but sadly, the third module (BASSZXTUNE) is not currently compatible and according to the author, it is currently at lowest priority to get it working. As I do not wish to stall the update any further I’ve decided to ship the update using the current x86_64 architecture and decide what to do with it in the near future.

In other news a long-standing bug has been fixed that caused the currently played track to not become highlighted in some cases along with some smaller fixes.

I do aim to release it as soon as I can, please bear with me!